常欢 发表于 2018-5-12 15:18:32



开心青年 发表于 2018-5-12 15:18:36

我是SMA的,基本条件好像是:<br>a Bachelor degree (1st Class or 2nd Class Upper with Honours) or its equivalent from a college, university, or technical school of acceptable standing. <br>TOEFL 577,GRE General<br>专业有Advanced Materials for Micro- and Nano- Systems<br>&amp;#8226; High Performance Computation for Engineered<br>Systems (HPCES)<br>&amp;#8226; Molecular Engineering of Biological and Chemical<br>Systems (MEBCS)<br>&amp;#8226; Computer Science (CS)<br>将申请材料寄去SMA office就可以了。<br>有一个e-mail地址,你可以去询问:<a target=_blank href="mailto:smart@nus.edu.sg">smart@nus.edu.sg</a>
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